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This update is to inform you of the exciting news that this is my last update from school; I'm going home. How exciting. I get to spend 6 weeks with my parents and various relatives for various holidays and not want to commit mass murder. We'll see, but if my aunt asks me if I have a boyfriend again I think I'll shoot her. That'd teach her. Oh, wait. I don't like guns. Oh well. Enough for now. See you in a few days. And as Hard Rock, Atlanta says "Love ya'll, Serve ya'll"

Ever had a prof give you a comment that seems especially prophetic? I got one today. On a paper my prof returned "A number of interesting points. The writing strikes me as somewhat lax, lacking both vigor and vigorous attention to technical quality." That seems to describe my life right now. I just thought it was interesting that as my life has been mundane my writing has gotten crappy.
On another note go here and check out all the hate mail for Dogma. I think alot of it is really interesting. Most of the people who sent the hate mail haven't even seen the movie. My devout Catholic parents asked me if it was good and should they see it. I recommended that they not because they probably would be offended for all the wrong reasons and not understand it. Somebody tell me if you think otherwise.

Why do I let stupid people piss me off?!?!?! Why do they always get to me?!?!?! let me explain myself. My best friend's boyfriend has this knack for pissing me off and pushing my buttons (no, not those buttons you sicko). I know he gets off on it. Yet I can't keep myself from being pissed at him because he's an ignorant moron. Someday I'll learn to control my temper and be patient.
On another note I should probably archive this page soon, but hey, that would require effort and I have a paper to write and exams to take. So, you'll just have to wait.

Ha!Ha! I have finally finished it! My surrealism essay. No it's not about art. Just go read it already. Good news is I tried the banner killer on that page so you won't get any crappy pop-ups when you go there. Eventually, I may get brave and do that to all of my pages. We'll see. Thanks Jimbo for giving out the fix.
While reading the terms of service to see if I could take down the ad banners. I found this little gem. Angelfire prohibits: "Material that depicts sexual content or nudity;
is contrary to customary standards for material suitable for public display;
and (here's the kicker folks) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational, or scientific value.

I don't know about you but that last one is about half the pages on the web and like that would EVER stand up in a court of law. It's not vague in the least. I'm just a lowly pre-law student and I could defeat that in court.
Ahh...once again I have a shitload of work to do and instead I'm playing with my webpage and leaving guestbook messages for Jimbo as it becomes increasingly apparent that I know nothing about computers. But, hey, I have fun while I try to pretend that I know something. I'm still working on my freaking surrealism essay, someday I'll finish it.

It's amazing what one little weekend trip will do. I took a trip this weekend to visit my friend in Oxford and a friend in Cincy and I feel so much better. Not necessarily well rested (I slept on the floor all weekend, ick) but I feel so much more motivated. We'll see how long that lasts.
My weekend was so exciting. I saw The Story of Us which was good even if vaguely depressing and I played Tetris for Nintendo 64 and I must say I'm addicted and my roommates for next year will have to get that for their N 64. I love video games. I admit it. I'm a computer geek. As if that weren't obvious from my page. That was about it for my exciting weekend. I'm sure next weekend will be much more note worthy. Welcome to Athens Halloween. Mwaahaa!

How does one pull oneself out of a slump? I totally and completely can't concentrate except on the stuff I'm not supposed to be doing. I can so tell it's midquarter. I don't want to do anything. I even love all of my classes the quarter and I don't want to do anything. i don't know what it is but complete apathy has set in. I think i'm going to give up studying for Halloween.
On a happier note, the guy I asked out asked me out on a second date. so it looks as this might actually go somewhere. Yea! It actually worked. I'm still amazed at this. Anyway, we'll have to just wait and see.

Wow! I can't believe it's been this long since i've updated my page. I'm so excited. I have a total of 48 hits in 2 weeks.
Anyway, reading back over some of the stuff i've written I've realized that I probably come off as an air head. This kind of disturbs me. I'm really not. (As my friend puts it, I'm just cute. Gag me.) I know my page seems juvenile (i can almost spell) but I rant about this stuff on my page because no one else will listen to me. And hey, you don't have to either. It just makes me feel better to put it up. WELL...I have two massive mid terms tomorrow. So I should probably study and go to bed. I have a new little piece of writing to put up soon. I have to finish it, but its about surrealism no less. Exactly what Mr. Joshua was talking about in his guest book. Though only remotely. Anyway. Hopefully I'll have that up soon. And thanks to Alison for linking my dating article even though I sound like a tweleve year old. (I'm 19 I swear!) That's it. Nite ya'll.

As usual, I'm using time that could be better spent doing something else like the reading for my class, updating my page. Nothing fantastic has happened today, but I did manage to get that new rant up. So go read it.

Ok. I hate to be mean, but if you walked into a computer lab and there were ids sitting at the check-in desk wouldn't you leave your id????? People are dumb. I hate it when they can't figure out that they should leave your id. Duh!! There are 6 ids sitting in front of me! And if you don't know, ask. I'd be much less disgruntled. And then the bastard doesn't even pay me for his copies. Hey buddy, sign on the printer says 5 cents a page!!! And don't even give me that crap about your tuition money pays for the lab because it doesn't. The lab was paid for by grant money and the only reason your sorry ass gets to use the computer is because you are ghetto enough to live in Wrey complex and not be in HTC. I'm sorry if you're poor but then haul your ass up to the library to print. Copies are free there. Sorry, I'll stop beign a disgruntled employee now. People are just so dumb sometimes.

Anyway, congrats to Alison for getting her turnstile in the Post. What is this #3 or 4? I still think her writing is better than any of the columns the stupid ass Post chose to put in the paper this quarter. But hey, if I knew anything about journalism, I would be in the almighty Scripps.

News of the day: I've thought about something to write. Hopefully I'll get it up soon.
